A man of the church

The Christian Nazi opponent Hugolinus Dorr

The posthum of refined resistance of 20. July 1944 are known. The wife Rose also, Georg Elser and the Edelweibpiraten is already less. Hugolinus Dorr knows as good as nobody.

The life of Hugolinus Dorr acts today so strange on us like his name. A failed missionary? A small cycling against the coarse riders of the church hierarchy? A Christian antifashist? A German exilant of the 1940 is murdered in a French internment camp? – Parts of a biography still resisted a rapid overall access.


Date of birth: 24. July 1895. Place of birth: Sellerbach, Saar. This corner of the Saarland is Catholic as Bavaria, and in families like his obedience a child of the church. Elementary School from 1901 to 1908, then entrance with Steyler missionaries in St. Wendel (a place where still white water comes from the line today). 1915 – 1918 War service. Priestess: 1923. Already 1921/22 he will be one "Fearless" Diagnosed: "I’m joy of the pastoral care, but I think it’s better to turn to the teacher, because I’m very fearful of nature and bad to Fub am", he writes in a letter from this time. At the cure his Order sends him to China, where he should convert the heathens. After a month he comes back because he goes so bad.


The Arger arrives when Hugolinus relocated to his home village of becoming a kind of village healer. He experimented against the council of his supervisors, with homopathy and iris diagnosis. You turn, he helps with the annex huit. He lends himself books who are not to read priests, with political and sexual topics (deerfield, rest, fox). Today one was called a naturopath or a shaman, depending on your. His paramedical career brings a visiting doctor so that he attracted him at the religious tops. These attempts to take end with the hobby of the Father. He proves to be unresponsive, and the conflict draws in the long. No comparison with the uproar, the Dorr causes when he interferes to politics.


Because that is not the task of a priest twice, certainly not when he contradicts his upper. 1933, Hitler is barely seven months on power, and the ink under the Reich concordat is barely dry, Grundet Hugolinus Dorr with others the "Saarland economic association" (SWV), economic policy tube for the "Status quo"-Movement, which has set itself the goal of the political autonomy of the Saarland under Obhut France and the Volkerbund. Until 1935, the Saarland is not part of the German Reich anyway, and Father Dorr relies on the fact that the referendum planned for the 1935 remains so. He has no approach to the left, who sees the last part of Germany in Saarland, which they have not had to extend the HitlerFascism. Already in early 1934, this becomes such embarrassing of his Order that he prohibits him any political activity.

A man of the church

Hugolinus Dorr (right in the picture) next to the SPD chairman Max Braun on 26.8th.1934 in Sulzbach

Then the political Supergau: Dorr speaks on the 26th. 8th. 1934 in Soutane on a meeting of the left unity front in Sulzbach (60.000 ZUHORER), right after the speaker of the KPD. The speech is full of the convimate Christian mib transversals for fascism: Dorr analyzes him as a Haresie, which can only be defeated by a brave Christian confession. Nothing could be untrorer how his own story is still prove. Also a certain gonneriness hort out: "But we are also honest and we confess that such a good honest, Derbe workers’ fist became a communist because she was too little cordially printed by us."

And then he says: "With the swastikrez, it’s really like that days someone told my brother-in-law to sign him. Take in eight in front of the swastikrez, so that is so poised and circular, because it crushes and destroyed everyone who opposes him." He feasiturated later 600 Renthorern in the ST. Ingberter Beckersaal this warning. National Socialism "Wool all out of everything that is not arical." Many MOGEN that at that time still for metaphors, for a bloobe preached. Dorr say it bitter seriously.

The Nazis drove in front of his house, straw dolls, his church distances itself from him. The Trier Bishop Franz Rudolf Borne water refers to him in a letter of 3. 11. 1934 to the politician Hermann von Luninck as "mentally and morally defective". (Ironically, this has "mentally and morally defects" Man already traded against the regime in 1934, after 20. July 1944 Hermann of Luninck Invite and Ferdinand should settle by Luninck). Dorr has set itself between all stuffles. When the Nazis win the saar-tuning with over 90% share share, this becomes the deadline for him.


Dorr flees to France, will even, after some sources, Frenchman. In the ecclesiastical structures he is laughed around like a hot potato: his Order tries to shut off him to the diocese of Nice, but there you do not want to have him. When his mother dies in 1936, the police in the home village awaits him, this time still in vain forgiven. In France, the left People’s Fronating Government is stumbling in France, and immediately the sling at the asylums is narrow. In 1939, Dorr, Frenchman or not, how all other saar escape is interned. In May 1940, it is launched in the camp Fort Asnières on the French-Spanish border, and as on the 6. 6. 1940 German troops asnières occupy, he comes to life. Eyewitnesses want to have seen that he had been murdered by the French watch personnal. This has at the arrival of the German occupiers "The internees instructed that nobody leaves the hall thirst, not to do the Nerdurft. Dorr then urinated from protest into a tin can, whereupon the members of the wax staff put together, put in a sack and thrown out of the window of the fort into the river." Others held the gestapo for guilty.

During design such as Aloyzije Stepinac and Josemaria Escriva from the reigning Pope "sacred" become (cf. Croatian Code) Remains Hugolinus Dorr of Such Weighing Spared. That’s logical and right, because you do not wish him this society. Its historical significance is in two things. Once in his almost incredible courage to spoil it at the same time with his church and the Nazis. Second in his crystal clear view of the extermination goals of National Socialism. He deserves to be not forgotten.

Sources: The Ear of Malchus, Gustav Regulator, Kiepenheer Witsch 1958, S. 300 for the history of the parish Heart Jesus Kollerbach (formerly ST. Martin to Kolln in the Kollertal), Hans Joachim Kuhn u. Robert Baltes, Puttlingen-Kollerbach 1999, S. 211 – 218 Hugolin Dorr – Steyler missionary in difficult time, Gerd Lesch in: 100 years Mission House St. Wendel, Werner Prawdzik (HRSG.), Steyler Verlag 2000, BD. 2, S. 312 – 331